The Lanternlight & The Spinney Theatre
Mist - Plot 1 - 22nd Ward - Balmung
Theatre Night
May 6th
Doors open 7PM CST | 8PM EST | 5PM PST
Questions? Contact:
Rhel Malvae @ rhel#0666
Eden Malvae @ Sepulture#1938
Is a performance venue, bar and save haven for all who seek sanctuary.

Owned by Rhel & Eden Malvae and Fabius Balventius, The Lanternlight serves as a beacon to all wayward souls seeking a place to exist authentically as themselves, without fear of bias or judgement. Friends of friends need give no warnings, the doors are always open.
The venue is still relatively new, but the staff and performers alike strive to produce an environment that feels like home. When events are on, The Lanternlight becomes a much rowdier venue. Loud bouncers singing to even louder music, a community bustling with energy, and a bar well-stocked that quickly becomes less so as the nights progress are all expected things on a typical night.